Italy ~ Adriatic Sea Cruise


DAY ONE:  Various members of the group arrived independently in Milan, Italy. A group of 18 were scheduled on a 7:10 a.m. Delta flight from LAX,which was cancelled due to mechanical difficulties after boarding. Ten members of the group were routed through NYC to Milan and arrived on Sunday; eight members of the group were routed through Paris and arrived early Monday morning.

DAY TWO: Due to the flight delays, the Welcome Dinner was postponed. The group stayed at the Hotel Villa Flori in Lake Como, a converted summer villa built in the 18th century.

DAY THREE:  In the morning the group assembled in the “Sala Colazioni”
and thereafter left for a morning cruise on Lago di Como, according to guidebooks,
Italy’s most popular lake, and it’s deepest. Lake Como is on the border of Switzerland
surrounded by mountains and hills. Transportation on the Lago di Como is by ferry
boat, which links the major villages and towns of Lake Como. The group toured the
18th century Villa Carlotta, known for its beautiful gardens and its original 18th
century furniture and art works. The group then left the boat in Bellagio and enjoyed
exploring the town during free time for the rest of the day.

DAY FOUR:  In the original itinerary the Academy judges were scheduled
to meet in Milan with Judge Luigi Orsi at the Palazzo di Giustizia, and Dr. Armando
Spataro, the Chief Prosecutor. Also scheduled was a tour of the main hall of the
courthouse, including “historical courtrooms with frescos and paintings by famous
modern Italian painters such as Mario Sironi and others, and excavations of
archaeological treasures discovered beneath the building.” Sightseeing had been
planned, including the City Center Galleria and Da Vinci’s Last Supper.
On Monday the Academy was notified that Judge Orsi would not be available to meet
with the group because he had just been assigned to investigate an incident where a
building collapsed the weekend before, killing four people. Several others were
injured and the many survivors were left homeless. The US Department of State
officials who had set up the meeting for the Academy later updated the progress of the
investigation as follows:

Several investigations on the causes of the explosion have been carried
out by various experts and technicians, all coordinated by Judge Orsi.
At first, several newspaper articles mentioned the possibility of a suicide
attempt by one of the building inhabitants. Later on this explanation did
not seem to be plausible. For many months prior to the explosion, a
strong smell of gas had been perceived inside and around the building.

A decision on the real causes has not been made at this time. A final
technical report will be submitted to Judge Orsi, and only then will he be
able to determine the exact origin. Despite big headlines on newspapers
and magazines, and a call for generosity and solidarity, the newspapers
are saying that unfortunately few Milanese have donated money or other
first aid items to the survivors of the collapse. In fact, only 51,000€ has
been collected as donations, a sum that is insufficient to help the several
people who have lost everything. One newspaper blames Milanese
entrepreneurs for not having been sensitive to this tragedy.

Unfortunately, because of this, Judge Orsi felt he could not take time from his duties
to meet with the Academy, and was forced to cancel the meeting.
Some members of the group took the train into Milan while others visited towns
around the Lago. Some visited the town of Lake Como and rode the funicular to the
village of Brunate, which is 720m above Como, for beautiful views of the lake and the
Swiss Alps.

In the evening the Welcome Dinner was held in the Sala Musica at Villa Flori and
President Tully Seymour welcomed all the judges and their spouses.

DAY FIVE: In the morning the group left Lake Como and transferred to
Padua. The group stayed at the Hotel Donatello located across from 13th Century
Basilica of Sant’Antonio, containing the tomb of St. Anthony of Padua, a shrine
visited by many pilgrims. Several members stayed at the Majestic Toscanelli. “Padua
is one of northern Italy’s prettiest towns, with arcaded streets, grand piazzas, and a
famous university.”  Dinner was held at the Hotel Donatello and the Academy
members were joined by Dr. Giovanni Deriu, M.D., Pro-Rector for International
Affairs, and Andrea Gattini, Professor of International Rights, both from the
University of Padua.

DAY SIX:  In the morning the group left by bus and vaporettos for a
meeting at the Corte di Appello of Venezia located in the Grimani Palace, built in
1556. The Palace overlooks the Grand Canal of Venice and Rialto Bridge, which was
built in 1588 and for many years the only footbridge over the Canal Grande. The
Palazzo remained the Grimani family seat until 1806. Academy members were met
by Avv. Paola Nardini and Avv. Gino Contini. Ms. Nardini directs the family law
firm, Studio Legale Nardini, in Venice. She obtained her law degree at Padua
University with a thesis on civil law on the subject of extra-contractual responsibility.
“The firm specializes in civil law, insurance, accident law, and international law, and
provides assistance generally to German-speaking clients. Since 1999 Avv. Nardini
has been entitled to defend clients in front of the Court of Cassation and the High
Courts of Italy. She is also a fiduciary for several German Insurance Companies, the
Austrian Embassy’s Commercial Office, and the Swiss Consulate General.”
The Academy judges were introduced to Augusto Nepi from the Office of the
Attorney General, Ennio Fortuna, the Procura Generale (Head Prosecutor), and several
other prosecutors who work under Mr. Fortuna.

The Justice system in Italy can be broken down into the following levels of courts:
ordinary civil and criminal, administrative, accounting, military and taxation.
Jurisdiction over ordinary civil and criminal matters is exercised by magistrates
belonging to the Judicial Order which is divided into judges on the one side and
magistrates of the public prosecutor’s office on the other, fulfilling the roles of judges
and investigators.

Magistrates “carry out the functions of the public prosecuting service, Pubblico
Ministero” The Public Prosecutors have offices at the Courts (Tribunales), Juvenile
Court (Tribunale di Minorenni), Courts of Appeal (Corte di Appello), or the Court of
Cassation (Corte de Cassazione). The Public Prosecutor is responsible for ensuring
observance of the law and the defense of the State’s rights.

In a criminal case, following an investigation, the Public Prosecutor will formulate the
charge. The normal period for conducting an investigation is six months; “sentence
on application,” commonly known as bargaining, may be applied for some offenses.
In cases of bargaining, when five years have elapsed if the accused does not commit
other crimes, the offence is “extinguished.” The prosecutor must ask a judge for
committal for trial if the offense is over two years of confinement, and a preliminary
hearing is held to decide whether to “expand the investigation” or alter the original
charge. When the preliminary hearing is over, either a sentence declaring a non-suit
may be served if the accusation proves unfounded, or a summons served if the
accusation is justified.

If a trial is determined to be necessary, the accused has the right to ask for a
“shortened” trial if the case is not “complex.” If the judge thinks it necessary, the
judge can gather other evidence on his own initiative. After the trial, the three judges
retire to chambers to make their decision, which must always be a majority ruling. If
convicted, the penalty decided by the judges in the “shortened” trial will be reduced
by a third and a life sentence with daily isolation is replaced by one of 30 years.
The judges (magistracy) is an autonomous, independent order and subject to the
magistrate’s governing council, presided over by the head of the state, and the first
president and the procurator general of the Court of Cassation. Magistrates are
nominated by competition and are elected for a term of office of four years, by
magistrates, members of parliament, university law professors and lawyers with 15
years professional experience. Magistrates are irremovable and distinguished from
one another only by difference of function. Mandatory retirement age is 75 with 80%
salary. To be appointed one must be at least 30 years of age, and sit for an
examination. The last time the examination was given to 20,000 applicants for 200
open positions.

The first level of courts are the Court of Assizes, consisting of two judges and a jury
of six, which tries crimes providing for life imprisonment or not less than 24 years
imprisonment, and “every willful crime” resulting in the death of one or more persons.
The Justice of the Peace, who is an honorary, non-career judge holding office for four
years, tries less important offences of which the most important and the most frequent
are slander and defamation. The Court (Tribunales), comprised of three judges for
each case, tries all other offences that do not come under the jurisdiction of the Court
of Assizes or the Justice of the Peace. The Juvenile Court tries offences committed
by those between 14 and 18 years of age at the time of the commission of the act, and
consists of two judges and two experts in the problems of minors, psychologists and
social workers.

The second level of courts is appellate. The monocratic Court of Appeal hears appeals
against the decisions of the Justice of the Peace; three-judge courts hear appeals
against the decisions of the Tribunales. The Appeal Court of Assizes hears appeals
against the first level of the Court of Assizes and a specialist section comprised of
three judges and two experts hears appeals against the Juvenile Court.
The third level of courts is the Court of Cassation. This consists of from five to nine
judges dealing with decisions regarding questions on which the sections have decided
differently or questions of particular importance. All questions examined and decided
by first level judges, both procedural and substantive, may be brought before the
appeal judges.

Academy members were taken into two courtrooms to observe proceedings. In one,
a three-judge panel was hearing a criminal case involving identity theft. In another,
an appellate court was listening to a witness explain the technical reasons for an
accident during construction of a street where a bus accident occurred.
At the end of the meeting the Academy hosted a luncheon with Ms. Nardini and
judges and guests of the Corte di Appello at the Hotel Monaco on the Grand Canal,
after which the Academy group enjoyed an escorted walking tour of Venice, including
St. Mark’s Square and Basilica, the “spiritual center of the Republic starting in 829.”
In 1094 the Basilica was consecrated in the presence of Emperor Henry IV and was
raised to the status of official state church. Academy members then toured Doges
Palace, the center of government of the Republic and residence of the Doge. The
present palace was built in the 14th century and the facade overlooking the Piazzetta
dates from the first half of the 15th century. The palace was completed in 1550.

DAY SEVEN: In the morning a few members of the group visited Florence
for the day. The rest of the Academy members visited the University of Padua and
were met by Professor Andrea Gattini and Lucia Nardo, who gave the members a
guided tour of the University. Without interruption since 1222, Padua has been a
privileged centre for the Study of Law within the walls of the Courtyard of the Palazzo
del Bo.

The university offers a four-year course for a Degree in Law, and a three-year course
for a Degree in Legal Science or a Degree in Employment Consultancy. In addition,
there are courses of the School of Specialization for the Legal Professions and
research Doctorates. There is also a University of Padova, Faculty of Law in Treviso
which offers the same courses. In the framework of the Friendship Treaty with the
Rechswissenschaftliche Fakultät of Innsbruck’s Leopold Franzens Universität, the
title of Magister Juris can be awarded. This European university qualification is
recognized as the equivalent to a Degree in Law for the purposes of entry into the
legal professions in both Italy and Austria, and generally recognized in all Germanspeaking
European countries.

The Academy members were taken into the private “Sala Dei Quaranta” (now the
Great Hall) usually not shown on University tours. The Great Hall was used in the
16th to 18th centuries for lectures. Galileo (notorious for disagreeing with the
Church’s views on science) taught here and called his 18 years on the faculty the best
of his life. The Great Hall is dedicated to him, since other halls could not contain the
enormous crowds that flocked to his lessons. On the walls are portraits of “forty great
foreign scholars of the University coming from all over Europe and the far borders of
the earth to attain the doctrines of civil law and the arts, and were restored to their
countries with Latin values in language, science and civilization.” The first woman
to receive a university degree in Europe, Elena Lucrezia Piscopia, graduated from the
University of Padua in 1678 and is commemorated by a statue.

The tour continued to the Anatomical Theater. Built in 1594, it was the first
permanent theater in the world for holding autopsies. The theater was made of
wooden construction in a funnel-like shape, with an oval base and six concentric
orders of steps rising around the anatomical table. The theater was used for lectures
up until 1872 and restored in 1991. “In the 1500s dissection was a dicey issue. The
church allowed the University of Padua limited dissection. To get the most teaching
mileage out of each cadaver, up to 250 students would pack the standing-room-only
theater to watch professors pick apart human organs.”

Andres Vesalius made major developments in medical theory as a result of his work
in Padua, conducting his own dissections, unheard of at the time, and made detailed
notes and drawings. His book, The Fabric of the Human body published in 1543 was
a comprehensive study of the human body containing anatomical drawings of all parts
of the body and offered many new conclusions to treating disease. The book showed
how muscle is built up in layers and highlighted errors in previous theories of

William Harvey, who conducted some of the first studies on blood circulation
attended the University and graduated with honors in 1602. In 1628 he published An
Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and of the Blood in Animals which
explained how blood was pumped from the heart throughout the body. This book was
very controversial but became the basis for all modern research on the heart and blood

Today the University is one of the largest in Italy and has over 60,000 students and
over 2,200 teachers. There are 13 faculties covering almost all branches of learning.

DAY EIGHT: In the morning the Academy group departed for a full-day
tour of Palladian Villas built in the 1500s by Italian architect Andrea Palladio.
Palladio designed his villas with reference to their setting, usually with porticos on all
sides for the owners to appreciate the countryside. Palladio gave deep consideration
to the dual purpose of his villas, both as farmhouses and palatial weekend retreats for
wealthy merchant owners. Villa Emo is considered one of Andrea Palladio’s greatest
works; it rises on the Po Valley plain with the majestic Pre-Alps in the background.
Villa Emo was commissioned by Lunardo Emo as the Venetian Emo family was
transferring their traditional interests from shipping and commerce to agriculture. The
villa and frescoes, in an excellent state of conservation, have been owned by the Emo
family for 450 years. In 2005 the villa became the property of the Credito Trevigiano,
a small local bank whose aim is to preserve this symbol of cultural heritage.

The group continued to the town of Asolo where they enjoyed a patio lunch
overlooking the Po Valley, and then visited the Villa Foscari La Malcontenta, built in
1558 for two brothers, Alvise and Nicolò Foscari, descendants of the Doge. The Villa
is built next to a waterway that unites Venice and Padua, facing the lagoon. The Villa
was left abandoned by the Foscari family after the fall of the Venetian Republic in
1797 and remained in a neglected state for many years. The Villa’s recovery began
in 1925 when several owners completed a series of external and internal restorations.
The Villa is now open for architectural scholars and illustrious visitors.

DAY NINE:  In the morning the group left Padua for Venice, where they
enjoyed an excursion to Burano Island by private motorboat (traghetto). Burano is an
island in the Venetian Lagoon known for its lacework. It rose to importance in the
16th century when women on the island began making lace with needles. The lace
was exported across Europe. Burano is also known for its small, brightly painted
houses, popular with artists. The group enjoyed shopping and lunch in Burano, then
returned to Venice for embarkation on the MSC Armonia, which sailed from Venice
in the evening.

DAY TEN:  The ship visited Bari, Italy in the afternoon. Bari has been under
various rule since ancient times, but independent since 1821. Academy members took
various shore excursions, including the historical center and the famous Basilica of
Saint Nicola, an example of Apulian Romanesque architecture. Some visited the
Castel Del Monte built by Frederick II, or the city of Alberobello located in the Murge
region and famous for its typical cylindrical houses, and UNESCO heritage sites.
Some visited Matera and the caves of the Sassi, the first site in the world declared
world heritage by UNESCO. The caves were inhabited from Neolithic times until

DAY ELEVEN:  A full day at sea for rest and relaxation and sitting by the pool.


At 2:00 p.m. the Annual business meeting was convened aboard the MSC Armonia in
the Business Centre, with all members in attendance. President Tully Seymour
welcomed all Academy Fellows and expressed his appreciation for the good turnout
on this trip, and hoped everyone was enjoying themselves.
Judge Seymour discussed continuing education credit and IRS tax regulations. He felt
informal discussions between judges had been very fruitful during the trip; another
seminar will be scheduled while aboard ship. Dr. Myers, husband of Commissioner
Jane Myers (OCSC) will speak about health concerns.

Upon motion by Judge Keene, second by Judge Mackey, the minutes of the October
29 to November 15, 2005 Annual Meeting in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay were
unanimously approved as written.

The Treasurer’s Report submitted by Judge Keene reflected a beginning balance on
October 14, 2005 of $2,520.69. Income derived from dues, initiation fees and
scholarship donations totaled $5,825.00. Expenses were $5,551.54. The balance on
hand as of September 19, 2006 was $2,794.15. Upon motion by Judge Foster, second
by Judge Mackey, the Report was unanimously approved as presented. It was noted
the Academy was paying for the Venice luncheon with members of the Corte di
Appello, and this expense would be deducted from the balance.

The Membership Report as submitted by CEO Diane Bowen was discussed. Judge
Seymour observed membership recruitment from Orange County had been strong, and
six new members had joined, including Judge Brice and Commissioner Myers, both
of whom were on the trip. Judges from the Bay area should be targeted, and Judge
Seymour had done some recruiting while attending a retired judge’s seminar recently.
Judge Wonder from San Francisco County Superior Court (retired), and Judge
DeCristoforo from the Sacramento County Superior Court (retired) had joined. Judge
Conklin will extend some invitations in the San Luis Obispo area. Judge Seymour
encouraged members to invite their friends to join and travel on the trips.

Judge Keene, Chair of the Nominating Committee comprised of all former Academy
presidents attending the meeting, Judge Foster and Judge Murphy, met and
unanimously presented the following recommendations: Judge Seymour will continue
as president for 2007, after accepting the position for two years in 2005. He is in
esteemed company for serving two years, in the past this has only been done by three
former presidents, Judge Ray Choate, Judge Dick Aldrich and Judge Phil Mautino.
The nomination for President-elect for 2008 will be Judge Warren Conklin, and the
Chancellor will continue to be Judge William Hollingsworth. In the interest of
facilitating the banking arrangements, Judge Keene will once again serve as the
Secretary-Treasurer. The slate of nominations was moved closed by Judge Emerson,
second by Judge Frazee, the nominations were unanimously approved by acclamation.
Judge Seymour observed that he had enjoyed planning the trip and working with
Diane Bowen and Creative Travel Planners on trip details, making contacts with
courts and government officials, and he is looking forward to planning the 2007 trip.

It was unfortunate that Judge Orsi had to cancel the meeting in Milan, the details of
which had been worked out months prior to the visit with State Department officials.
After the trip Diane Bowen will try to obtain follow-up information as to the results
of the investigation [reflected in the minutes under September 26]. Judge Seymour
felt the meeting and exchange of ideas and information with Professor Andrea Gattini
and Dr. Giovanni Deriu in Padua at the dinner was very successful and hoped all the
members had a chance to talk with them. The meeting and tour of the University was
very worthwhile and enjoyed by everyone.

The Academy judges discussed nominations of Honorary Members. It was the
consensus of the members that Professor Gattini and Ms. Nardini should be offered
Honorary Membership in the Academy.

2007 Annual Business Meeting Plans
Judge Seymour outlined his first choice for a 2007 trip would be a river cruise in
France on perhaps the Seine, the Rhône or the Saône, using Paris as a starting or
ending point, visiting LeHavre, Normandy, Burgundy, Lyon, Provence; some type
of itinerary including some of these cities. Judge Emerson suggested Holland for the
tulip festival, a fall foliage cruise was mentioned, and Judge Conklin indicated he was
considering a fall foliage trip into Canada for 2008.

[The itinerary which includes a Viking cruise on the Seine River through the heart of
Normandy has been selected, and is detailed in the cover letter of these minutes.
Dates of the 2007 Annual Meeting will be October 6 through October 17, 2007 with
an 3 or 4 night extension.] Judge Seymour asked for an indication of how many would
attend if the meeting was held in France and 8 judges indicated they would be
interested. Judge Seymour asked for an indication of how many would attend if the
meeting was held in Canada for fall foliage and 9 judges indicated they would be

Before the conclusion of the meeting, disembarkation procedures were discussed and
pre-paid aboard ship tipping was confirmed. At 5:10 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.
In the evening Captain’s Cocktail Party was held.

DAY TWELVE: In the morning the ship visited Santorini, an island in a group of
five islands, and one of the major tourist attractions of Europe. The ship docked at the
landing in Skala, where visitors reach Fira, the capital of Santorini, on foot, on
donkey-back, or by the funicular railway. Academy members enjoyed walking along
the winding narrow streets of houses hewn out of soft rock, whitewashed or painted
blue or ochre. The view from Fira to the Kamenes across the Aegean Sea was
particularly beautiful. {See photos posted on the IATJ.org website) The ship sailed
from Santorini at 2:00 p.m.


At 4:30 p.m. all trip attendees convened for a seminar led by Dr. Norman Myers,
M.D., Medical Director of the Wellness Program at St. Jude Medical Center in
Fullerton, California. Dr. Myers graduated with a doctorate degree from George
Washington University in Washington, D.C. He did his internship in the east and was
a primary care physician for 30 years in family practice. He now specializes in
wellness issues and in acute chronic pain programs. He believes doctors are trained
to diagnose diseases and prescribe medicine, saying that that is how medicine is
practiced today. However, Dr. Myers believes prevention really does work. Spending
$1 today will save $3 in medical costs down the line. Dr. Myers believes most people
are interested in what they can do to improve their health, and he has spent the last 12
years trying to learn these things. Medicine is controlled by the drug companies, and
they must sell their products to fund clinical trials and development of new products.
Statin drugs have become the norm for most people as they age, however, high
cholesterol can be managed by diet and exercise in most people.

The major medical problems today are heart disease, cancer, stroke, lung disease and
accidents [involving prescription drugs and hospital errors]. In other words, one
should try not to take drugs and should stay out of hospitals! People who change their  
diet will reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Dr. Myers
recommends a book by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, The China Study. Dr. Campbell’s
book asserts that special interest groups, government entities and scientists have taken
Americans down a deadly path, resulting in the fact that two-thirds of adults are obese
and children are being diagnosed with diabetes at an alarming rate. The China Study,
a research project which Dr. Campbell participated in for 20 years with Cornell and
Oxford Universities and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, found
significant factors between diet and disease. The findings indicated that people who
ate the most animal-based foods got the most chronic disease and those who ate the
most plant-based foods were the healthiest and tended to avoid chronic disease.
Dr. Myers stated it is never too late to reverse and engage in an intensive diet and
exercise program, even though it does require effort. But as people age today, he feels
more would like a long, healthy life, and if people are not healthy they do not have
any quality of life. Dr. Myers recommends a vegetarian diet, and believes in vitamin
supplements. He himself takes Co-Enzyme Q10, omega fish oil, and Vitamin C
supplements daily. He believe Statin drugs are over prescribed. He also recommends
that everyone eat green-leafy vegetables daily. When eating fish, it should be
poached, and nothing should be fried. Trans-fats are to be avoided because they are
the worst form of fat. Trans-fats are found in breads, crackers, etc. Dr. Myers can be
contacted at his email address of nmyersmd@sbcglobal.net.

The group participated in further discussion of health issues with Dr. Myers and he
gave various dietary and vitamin supplement recommendations. The meeting was
adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

At 7:00 p.m., the ship docked at the capital of Mykonos, Hora. Many members of the
group enjoyed walking around the harbour where fishing boats docked side by side
with luxury yachts. Along the wharf, tavernas, souvenir shops and outdoor restaurants
along whitewashed streets were decorated with lights and the houses have brightlycolored
wooden doors, windows and balconies.

DAY THIRTEEN:  The ship docked at 7:30 a.m. at the Port of Piraeus in Athens,
Greece for the full day. Academy members visited the Acropolis, for thousands of
years the symbol of Athens, and the sacred rock connecting ancient civilizations with
modern. The Acropolis dates from the 5th Century B.C. when Athens comprised the
ancient Theatre of Dionysos, the ancient Agora, and the Plaka. The National
Archeological Museum is one of the largest and most important museums of ancient
Greek art.

In the evening the Academy group enjoyed a private Cocktail Party in the Starlight
Disco whereupon the judges held a “networking” IATJ Seminar. Don Smaltz,
husband of Judge Lois Smaltz, entertained the members by playing his trombone
while some danced. Lois and Don, along with Pat Keene, wrote the “Ode to Delta”
which is attached to these minutes.

DAY FOURTEEN: In the morning the MSC Armonia’s Captain Vito De Matteo
invited the Academy group for an Aperitif on the Bridge where they met members of
the crew and learned the working of the ship and navigational procedures.
At 2:00 p.m. the ship docked in Corfu, Greece, the northermost and second largest of
the Ionian Islands, 592 square kilometers. Corfu is the most densely populated area
in Greece besides Athens and Thessalonika. Tours offered included the Achilleion
Palace, the former residence of Queen Elizabeth of Austria, and the Bay of
Paleokastriza. Most of the Academy members enjoyed walking around the Old Town
of Corfu.

DAY FIFTEEN: In the morning the ship docked at Dubrovnik, Croatia. This
centuries-old town had many landmarks to visit, including the City Walls, Bokar
Fortress, Church of Saint Blasio and Sponza Palace. This area of Croatia was part of
the Austro-Hungarian Empire until after WWI. In 1918 the Croats, Serbs and
Slovenes formed the kingdom of Yugoslavia. After WWII Yugoslavia came under
communist rule until Croatia declared its independence from Yugoslavia in 1991, after
four years of fighting. Under United Nations control, the last-Serb-held enclave in
eastern Salvonia was returned to Croatia in 1998. Croatia is a candidate for European
Union membership expected in 2009 or 2010.

Before sailing from Dubrovnik, the Academy group met outside on the bow of the
ship to thank President Tully Seymour and Jan for the wonderful trip, and to present
them with a memento of the trip, a crystal paperweight from the University of Padua
depicting the Anatomical Theatre. Tully presented Diane Bowen, the CEO with a
dolphin ring from Mykonos, a symbol of Greek mythology. Everyone agreed that the
trip had been very successful, and the cruise had been especially enjoyable and restful.

DAY SIXTEEN: The MSC Armonia arrived in Venice and the Academy group
departed for the airport, with some members extending their stay in Europe.

Written By Diane Z. Bowen, Chief Executive Officer

Tully H. Seymour, President

[Sang to the tune of I Left my Heart in San Francisco]
By Lois & Don Smaltz & Pat Keene

We left our bags with Delta Airlines.
Up in the hold, we thought they’d go.
To be in Italy next day,
all safe and sounds, they say,
awaiting us in Mi-lan-o.

Then Delta kicked us off their airplane,
and hid our bags, we knew not where.
LaDonna laughed, and Rafael ignored us.
We yelled, “Not fair,” they did not care.

The next two days, we slept in airports.
L.A. to France, we laid our heads
on dirty floors and empty carts.
All hope fled from our hearts
of ever sleeping in our beds.
Third day we came to lovely Como.
For sure, our bags by then were there.
The rain fell softly on our tear-stained
Atlanta, Georgia - they’re still there.

No sight-see jaunts around the Lago.
We must go shopping to survive.
Find socks and shoes and shirts and
prepare to see the courts.
It’s off to Padua, Day Five.

Our faithful guides, Diane and Enzo,
tell us Air France is telling them
to have more patience; they’ll deliver
Yeah - when we leave, it’s coming then.

Day Six dawns brights, without our
Judicial minds cannot agree.
Bill thinks an upgrade might atone.
Dick vows they’re going home.
To Don, a lawsuit is the key.

Our luggage traveled more than we did.
To Venice first, then Padua!
A six-day test of our judicial patience.
We’ve passed the test:
Hoo-rah, Hoo-rah!!!

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